I’m new…
Welcome to Northridge United Methodist
Church! At Northridge UMC we welcome all people as we live into God’s call upon us to be a church family that is “Seeking, Serving, Sharing…the Love of Jesus Christ.” If you are looking for a faith community, we hope you will consider Northridge United Methodist Church.
We’ve listed the answers to some common questions below. We hope you decide to give us a visit!
What is your worship like?
We offer one service each Sunday morning
beginning at 10:00 am. This service is more traditional but is in a more relaxed atmosphere. There are songs, prayers, Scripture readings, and liturgy during this service.
We have handicapped accessible seating, large print song books, programs, bench cushions and hearing assistance receivers are available for those who need them. The service also includes projected images, song lyrics, and Scripture readings.
How do I get there?
We are located on Derr Road ¼ mile south of Moorefield Road and ¾ mile north of State Route 334. The parking lot is on the south side adjacent to the church building with full accessibility at the entrance with the portico.
What about my children?
Children are welcome in all aspects of the
life of our church, especially during the worship services.
We have a staffed children’s area available for ages infants – 3 years old. For children ages 3 years old through 3rd grade, we invite them to join us in the worship service. There is a time for Children’s Moment and then they are dismissed to Children’s Church.
What do I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable wearing.
You’ll see people in jeans, you’ll see people with open-collared shirts, you’ll see people with ties, you’ll see people with dresses and skirts, you’ll
see people in all styles of fashion. We want you to know that your presence is more important than your appearance!
How do I meet people?
There is a fellowship time following the Sunday morning worship service. Refreshments are offered in the Fellowship Hall. We also have various meals and fellowship opportunities throughout the year where you can meet people. You can join a study group or ministry team. There are many ways to connect in what fits you best!
Will I be asked for money?
As a first-time guest, we do not expect you to
participate in the morning offering unless you feel so led.
When do you have Holy
Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and at other holiday times during the year. The celebration is open to all who wish to receive it.
Where are the restrooms?
We have four restrooms on the main floor all of which accommodate wheelchairs. Two of the restrooms have a diaper changing table.